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This is not a manifesto against men in general. Nor is it a manifesto against Arab men in particular. It is, however, a howl in the face of a particular species of men: the macho species, Supermen, as they like to envision themselves. But Superman is a lie.

In this explosive sequel to I Killed Scheherazade, Joumana Haddad examines the patriarchal system that continues to dominate in the Arab world and beyond. From monotheist religions and the concept of marriage to institutionalized machismo and widespread double standards, Haddad reflects upon the vital need for a new masculinity in these times of revolution and change in the Middle East.

Joumana Haddad is an awardwinning poet, literary translator, publisher and journalist. In 2008 she launched the Arab world’s first erotic cultural magazine, Jasad (Body), which made headlines around the world. Haddad was selected as one of the Beirut39 authors in 2009. I Killed Scheherazade: Confessions of an Angry Arab Woman was critically acclaimed and translated into thirteen languages. She lives in Beirut with her two sons.

Superman is an Arab by Joumana Haddad

SKU: 9781908906090

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